Practice is still the best theory.
There is no better way into the next cul-de-sac, according to Immanuel Kant. For practice alone without a theoretical background leads to action for action’s sake. But theory is very time-consuming. And that detrimentally affects its application. We believe that both theory and practice are necessary, but in the right balance.
The best of both worlds.
We want the best of both worlds, and therefore collaborate for research and development closely with semiotis GmbH (without “3”), a spin-off from the University of Cologne specialising in development of tools and strategies for text analysis and information categorisation. This is backed by several decades of experience in performing quality assurance for communication strategies, in filtering, condensing and focusing information as well as developing high-quality communication systems.
This means that we can call on a solid foundation and make use of research contacts in many different disciplines. And we provide young researchers with the opportunity to test their theory in practice.
With a little help from our friends.
We have established a scientific advisory council to ensure that we keep up with the changing times. Headed by Prof. Dr. Hans Messelken and made up of experts from industry, administration and research, it provides a practically-based expert forum as a foundation for our work.
And if we ever disagree whether theory is the best practice or practice the best theory, our scientific council is the appropriate platform for this discussion.